Swift Values was launched in 2024 to provide solicitors and other professionals with a one-stop-shop for every type of assistance they might need with a property’s contents, whether it’s a single item, a specialist collection, or a whole house full of assorted objects.
The purpose of Swift Values is to streamline the valuation process for solicitors and auction houses, not only offering them swift and accurate responses to valuation requests, but also an online portal that they can access to view any ongoing queries. This means the brand identity needed to be friendly and approachable, while also carving out a unique, recognisable image for itself. Another challenge was to address the wide variety of possessions and valuables that Swift Values can lend their expertise to, from cars to vases, jewellery and more.
Working closely with founder Mark, we developed a visual identity that reflected the antique nature of some of the items that would be valued, focussed around bold colours and fonts, and introduced an illustrative style that would be instantly recognisable, inviting, and amiable. From a strategy perspective, and to address the wide variety of items that Swift Values could provide a valuation for, we implemented key messaging that had legs; from hoarders to Hirst, and everything in between; with laid plans to expand on this in the future. As brand guardians we assisted Mark with the design and implementation of the website, as well as the customer portal.